
Teas is the first instrumental album that I released in 2019

I grew up in the diverse melting pot of Columbia Maryland. Many different cultures came together to provide a rich and diverse upbringing. As an expression of culture, I was lucky to be exposed to many different types of music. I took a music technology class in my senior year of highschool and from there, a fascination with the intersection of technology and music grew strongly. Throughout my life, I seek new ways to use waves to connect with the spirit through the primacy of music and sensation.

I believe that music has the power to connect us to something larger than ourselves and to help us tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

As a performer, I've traveled the world, sharing music with audiences in a variety of different settings. Whether playing at a venue or busking on the walking street in Copenhagen, I try to connect with people on a deeper level and to enhance their spiritual journeys.

Ultimately, I'm trying to add my flavor of peace and love to the world to make it a safer place for my children. Music has the power to transform lives and I'm dedicated to using my talents to bring healing, inspiration, and joy to those who would benefit.